Chia XCH Mining Wiki & FAQ

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chia XCH
  • Chia Mining
  • Algorithm
  • Plotting
  • Plot Sizes

    • CHIPs (Chia Improvement Proposals)
    • Hard Drives
    • VoskCoin Coverage


    I am by no means a “Chia expert” - precisely the opposite. Hence, this Wiki and FAQ are my endeavor to learn and understand the ecosystem deeper. Huge thanks to @killtheplanet for his work on the Helium Wiki, which serves as the primary inspiration for this Wiki. This topic will be updated regularly so please check back often to see new additions etc. (I am often in the editing dungeon, so it may be a slow process lol)

    This is a Wiki so please edit as needed or let me know what needs updating. Alternatively, you can @ me on the VoskCoin Discord server @itsbrynnb

    For a more comprehensive and detail-oriented approach to Chia, you can read through their docs.

    Chia XCH

    The Chia Network is a decentralized blockchain and smart transaction platform that uses hard disk space for its consensus protocol instead of electricity, making it an eco-friendly alternative to traditional Proof-of-Work (PoW) cryptocurrencies. The project is spearheaded by Bram Cohen, founder of the BitTorrent cryptocurrency.

    VoskCoin Coverage

    Vosk has spoken at length regarding HDD mining, the Chia XCH token, as well as methods to get involved with mining (see Evergreen Miners). Below is a curated list of all VoskCoin videos mentioning Chia XCH mining and the coin itself.

    Video title: Here’s How I Am Earning $120+ PER MONTH Mining Chia With Hard Drives!
    Released: 7 March 2023
    Synopsis: Vosk breaks down why he began buying Evergreen Miners, as well as how profitable his EVG miners are.
    Estimated earnings: 3.036 XCH per month with 310TB at the time of recording

    Video title: How To Set Up Evergreen Miner the BEST Chia XCH Farmer!
    Released: 4 March 2023
    Synopsis: In this 40-minute long tutorial, Vosk explains everything you need to know in order to start mining and stay mining with your Evergreen Miner. From setup to troubleshooting, he covers it all in this full guide.
    Estimated earnings: 3.036 XCH per month with 310TB at the time of recording


Excited for this Chia XCH farming wiki! Big shoes to fill after @killtheplanet has a cool 1,947 edits on the HNT mining wiki lol