What sites do you recommend for buying miners?

Ive bought all my Bitmain miners from Alibaba until they shut down. Should I buy them off Ebay or do you have any reputable sites to buy off of?

I have 9 L3+ miners and looking for more or even a recommendation on a better Asic miner. TY:))

Im looking for Goldshell KD2. Need a good source. I brought a MNTD off there. No issues.

Hey I was just looking into miners from Alibaba. Did yours have any problems? What do you mean they shut down? Thanks

alibaba banned all and anything related to asic sales

I got my MINI DOGE miner off Ebay and paid way to much. I got my S19J Pro 104T from Eastcoastmining and I plan on getting back with them for my next miners. So far so good with them. Delivery was fast, payment was easy, and communication was on point.


Look at DxPool and its sales page at Products – DxPool Shop
you have to signup to see the product page or find it from google. Look at the
Goldshell miner performance, some use less wattage and produce more $$$

Type Gooldshell on the search engine then shop around. This site has sellers listed near the bottom of the page too but DxPool has better prices.

I bought an Avalon 1246 from coinminingcentral.com like 2 weeks ago and received it a week later. I’m from South America and had 0 issues.
Last week I bought 2 goldshell mini boxes from hashlake.io but they still haven’t arrived.
That’s my experience so far buying asic miners.

Curious, did you have luck with hashlake.io?

It’s supposed to arrive this Friday! I´ll keep you posted.


I recommend www.asicmarketplace.com. They are somewhat slow responding back to your emails, but they get the job done which is the most important part in business.

You receive your order from those folks?

I’m still waiting on my hashlake and goldshell orders, they were both delayed so I’m guessing they should arrive on monday!

DHL Estimated delivery date was the 17th. They should arrive tomorrow though lol, sigh.

They’ve finally arrived!

Everything looks good. The delay was because of DHL, but they eventually delivered lol.

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Were these from hashlake.io?

Mini Doge from hashlake.io and HS5 directly from Goldshell

please don’t click this link, looks like a complete scam

I think you need to apologize to me for your irresponsible comments. We have stores on Alibaba, Global Sources, and Made in China. You have never known our company. Why do you call me a liar?