Funny thing I bought BTC many many! years ago. While at a software developer lunch with my friends we decided to buy 10 BTC each and see what we could do with it. We spent about $1500 total… Everyone but me sold it within a year but for me! Long story short DONT EVER lose your wallet passphrase! I stored it on an old Palm Pilot which was tossed out with no backup. Fast forward to now. I am a retired FF/Paramedic after 20 years in the fire service. Now I sell real estate in the Dallas Texas area and found a renewed interest in Crypto!. I found the Voskcoin YouTube channel when I started my research on current crypto hardware and all the information on Crypto today. I started using my gaming PC to mine ETH while it was sitting idle. It might as well be doing some work for ME while it’s just sitting there. I ordered my first HTN hot spot in Dec of 2021. Looks like I will get mine around June or July.