10,000 Units of Minning Rigs

“Wenx Trading Platform, World Blockchain Technology Fintech Foundation & Butterfly Chain Technology Seal Strategic Partnership”

The WenX trading platform, World Blockchain Technology Fintech Foundation & Butterfly Chain Technology unveil a partnership for mutual development. Based on the common concept of the three parties committed to promote the development of blockchain ecosystem, and the principles of supplementary advantages, friendly consultation, mutual respect, knowledge sharing, voluntary cooperation, Butterfly Chain Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. confirms that World Blockchain Technology Fintech Foundation (WBTFF) has purchased more than 10,000 mining machines, three parties decided to launch the FILE COIN and promised that the 100,000 FILE COIN which mined by WBTFF’s mining machines will be prioritized to deliver to the FILE COIN wallet account controlled by the three parties, FIL1 is 1:1 convertable to FIL coin in future. WenX will be the party who executes “FIL1” Listing and the swap exchanged for FILE COIN. The WenX trading platform (www.wenxpro.com) will launch “FIL1”, the deposit will be opened on 10 June 2020 , and FIL1/USDT trading pair will be opened on 11 June 2020 .

Technology leads the times and dreams to see the future. WenX will continue to join hands with the quality of the blockchain industry, to build consensus, work together, and promote the healthy development of the blockchain industry, creating a new opportunity for the digital future and a new engine for economic development.

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