Ok, so i bought this for 1000.00 and it just arrived. I took everything off and made sure it was clean before reassembling it. it fires right up, all fans GPUs and i get a signal to my monitor. However, what i dont have is a hard drive. It doesnt have one nor a spot to plug one in. Anyone ever deal with something like this before? Also it only has 2, side of case USB slots. So with a keyboard, wireless usb nic i be wondering about the HDD. There are 2 USB on the MB under the cards, one in the middle with an arrow pointing to it and one on the side of the board. Is the one in the arrow for an external HD?
I know there is a NiceHash OS flash option with NiceHash, does that simply plug into the USB and that is the extent of my operating system? I gotsta know!
You dont need a hard drive. HiveOS and IIRC Nicehash will both run from a USB stick.
Thank you sir. much appreciated
so, if im running NHOS then i cant change the settings on my GPUs correct? These things popped up so fast that they blew my breakers. I know i should be able to get them down to 80W each. Might have to individually change them on my Windows rig, save it, and then install them.
if you are popping the breaker it is important to know why… i recommend maybe trying to run just one GPU at a time and set them up that way.
i have never mined with those GPU but I think they like power
Yes, I had 6 of the Golden versions and they like power … In fact, quite a bit (see photo) but wattman will tame them.
else this will happen
thank you for sharing
No Problem, I think I had issues with Wattman holding the settings. If the settings are too high, the video card can be crashed by the miner. With 8 cards, that’s a lot of settings to redo in wattman.
Good luck you have a sweet looking rig. I sold all my Golden Editions and went Green with Nvidia. Now the 5700x is the killer miner. Dang… Oh, and haven’t melted a receptacle since.
My issue is that there is no HDD on this rig, as its set for flashing the OS. So there are no settings to alter. i already BIOS modded them, but that really just got me an extra 5Mhs but they are each pulling close to 110Ws which is ridiculous. That’s 110W for 30Mhs. My Radeon VIIs, which run HOT, only use 200W for 90Mhs. If i cant get these cards permanently modded to under 80W im done with them. My 5500s get 25Mhs for 78W.
I finally ordered a mSata SSD for this thing. That will allow me to use the Adrenaline software and save it to the rig. Its really not that hard to update the settings. I just create what i want and save the profile, then load the profiles for each card. It was going to be near impossible to set and save any non-BIOS settings without a HD.
If, after that, i cant get it working right, as 2 of the cards don’t seem to gain the 5Mhs from modding, then im returning it as faulty and then moving towards a third build rig of 5700s. They do look sweet and the prices are coming down a bit.