I would like to inquire about advertising on Vosk Coin and /or having Vosk review our new mineable coin. Can you please point me in the right diretcion to see options or to discuss this with a memebr of Vosk Coin? Thanks!
Can you provide some information?
We are in the same boat here.
We are a group of veteran miners started a Bitmain official RMA site here in NC, would like to discuss sponsorship with Vosk Coin
Provide proof.
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Look for the NC site, we have email and phone number listed, happy to verify ourselves however you prefer
Or if you don’t like click on links, go to Bitmain official website —> Bitmain support —> Warranty & Repair —> Repair Center
Just sent. Thanks!
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I believe @MissVosk is in touch with both of you now – just wanted to chime in with thanks for the interest in support VoskCoin with potential video sponsorship