Any ideas for asics/gpus that are cheap and somewhat profitable?

Just a little topic for people to throw out ideas for miners/hardware. Looks like alot of the goldshell miners are somewhat/almost profitable at 10 cent kw/h (mine personally is less but most people don’t have that)
Looks like most of the ck miners are profitable but the new antminer k7 will probably ruin that.
Anybody think gpus will be profitable anytime soon?

I think right now it’s great if you can break even until the next bullrun. I’m currently having solar installed which will be a great boost to profit eventually


I am just starting to use solar to mine HNT and soon Chia coins. My home is solar but I’m building a small solar setup just for mining with mini miners and a PC. More of a novelty for me in retirement. That’s right, mine, stack and stake now. Good Luck.


I agree with both of you. Tryna get some smaller asics/gpus before they become extremely expensive again.

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You probably have some time, markets are expected to bottom end of q2 or beginning of q3.


Its absolute one of the best times to buy gpu/asic miners and with strong signs of a bull run incoming profitability will rise

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imo (ok not financial advice) bull run in a year or 2. current economy pretty bad so yeah great time for buying miners.