is coming end of January!

Super supportive of any legit sellers, excited to see your offerings Bob!

I try my best Lexy, I know that no business runs at 100% but thatā€™s my goal!! Thanks for giving me a peakā€‹:smiley::v:t3:

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What miners do you have for sale right now?

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@Robert_Connolly Could you provide a link to your business profile?
Mine for example

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Itā€™s all coming in due time. Itā€™ll all be on the site!! Iā€™m dotting my Iā€™s and crossing my Tā€™s to be fully registered, compliant, and fully transparent. :v:t3:


Robert. Can i have your email please

Hi Robert

Do you ship To Europe


I wish I could put all my units on PDUs or UPSs to fully monitor power. Biggest issue is that most of these units draw too much power by themselves that you canā€™t run many off of limited number of PDUs/UPSs. So youā€™d wind up having to buy a lot of power units since itā€™s like 1-3 miners to 1 power unit.


Do you have a mailing list to stay updated?

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I wasnā€™t going to but have recently had a lot of interest in a mailer from the website. Just didnā€™t want to add clutter to email to be honest.

Sorry Black,

Iā€™m shipping to US only.

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i tried looking up Bobcon1975 on ebay and cant seem to find you as a seller on there. maybe i am not searching correctly? i think it could be because you dont have any active listings.

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Here you go John. It has been 6 months already. I canā€™t believe that. Time flies

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How does this prove he is legit? I tried to find his seller name on ebay and no results

Youā€™re right!! It doesnā€™t prove Iā€™m legit at all. Just a bunch of numbers on a page.
I had sold on ebay for over a year before I realized there are better and cheaper ways to do what I do. Trust is built and I donā€™t expect everyone to jump on board right away.
Hope to do business with you real soon!!:v:t3:

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Iā€™m not sure how youā€™d like him or his customers to prove he is legit any further than the pictures theyā€™ve provided. Some of us have bought a lot through bobby, Iā€™m not sure about you but I donā€™t go sending thousands $$$ to random strangers.

Itā€™s all good. The site is delayed until March due to the issues with Coinbase Commerce. They have ZERO customer privacy so Iā€™m switching over to payment processor. Verification is pending but launch is coming next week. Thanks for all the support emails I have received from a lot of you!! Means the world to me!! Talk soon everyoneāœŒšŸ¼


Keep pushing. Running a business, and especially starting one, is hard freaking work and a bit of a grind. And you can do it!!!

Also, it seems like everything in Crypto takes longer. I thought this was supposed to be the future


Weā€™re Live!! Thanks again everyone for the kind emails and gestures!! Much appreciated in this dog eat dog world. Just wanted to make sure everything was seamless before launch :rocket:
for all of you privacy fanatics!!