Asset Management

How do you effectively manage assets in a large mining operation over 500 miners. Please help

This seems like a questions for Adam or Badger but I would imagine you need to compartmentalize. I’d start by having many different pools and wallets dedicated to each pool. You could fine tune it once you figure out what pool is working best, consolidate to the most profitable pool, keep wallets compartmentalized, ensuring each wallet is comparable is revenue could help ensure that your miners are all hashing effectively. Also if you aren’t using a program called foreman I would implement that. It can trigger alerts for when particular miners are down. Anyway hopefully one of the big dawgs respond because I’m sure they would be much more helpful! :slight_smile:

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The thing is miners automatically turn off when there is a power price surge. When all of them are back online some of them wont come back up even after restarting from foreman. Getting power and board issues. So how to track and record these miners effectively

Oh okay. Yeah this question is obviously above my level of know how. Hopefully one of the veterans can help you.

Awaiting a professional reply.

@AdamMoyers ?? He’s probably the only person I know of on the site that operates on that scale. Actually I’m pretty sure his operation is much bigger than that.

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That’s a lie, @badgerlandcrypto is large scale know how too. LoL :joy:

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Hopefully I have some down time for a proper response soon. We just got our first 613 S21 hydros online yesterday and today. 201PH!


Nah just share more mining nudes and heavy machinery plz.