Best miner for a first timer

Hi I am really new to all of this , I have just got the new apple MacBook 16” pro m1 can I use this to mine ? Any advice would be much appreciated, if not what’s the best and cheapest way to start off small and just learn the ropes

Many thanks :pray:

Hey i will be following this: As im also interested in buying my first Asic. at the moment im running a 7 GPU Eth miner solarpowered via my house solar array, im thinking of selling the GPU rig and replacing it with an asic, possibly, Goldshell KD-Box or KD2 miner but im having trouble finding a price on it. or another similar, i have around 1500Wh excess power to use on mining.

Check out
This will tell you a lot about profit, electric, price from “trusted vendors” (do research and be carefull), what coins they mi e and so on.

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I started with a Goldshell mini box. It’s mad easy to setup and makes money. Also very quiet and barely used electric. Everyone is talking about Kadena boxes, but they have gone up alot. So I suppose cheap is relative. A Goldshell could be had for 800-900 straight from them. Their drops are random. 3rd party resellers markup to 1200+ depending on the coin. You need to use crypto to buy from them, so if you don’t have an account then something like crypto . com or similar will let you buy crypto to use.

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Might I ask what mini box you started with and why?

CK Box was my first. I have a couple now. And a Doge/LTC box.

CK seems like a cool project and is profitable.