Best wallet for different coins

What is everyone using dor wallets? Do you store all crypto in one wallet or multiple? Metamask for ethereum coins etc.

Wallets can be broken down a few ways. The GUI or CLI wallets are the most secure and will transfer your crypto the cheapest as they work directly with the original blockchain. These wallets can be mildly complex to set up. Then comes the Multi-coin wallet broken down by Cellular/device, Desktop or browser based. The issue with these 3 is that they are 3rd party apps. They Do make money from you transferring crypto, in most cases. Some also make money if you try to swap your crypto (fees).
Which leads us to why people use exchanges as wallets (even though it is not recommended) because they don’t want a wallet for every coin ( I have over 200).
So lets assume because you are on Vosk, that you are proficient. GUI/CLI Graphical user interface/Command Liner interface (MS Dos). You can get these from the Original website for said Crypto. While you may want to use the GUI (it looks normal and easy to use) , get the CLI. CLI’s can create as many address/wallets as you want on one program, transfer for the cheapest fee the blockchain will allow and you will hold your cryptocurrencies Private Keys securely. CLI/GUI are also a popular way to make cold wallets by turning the computer hosting the program off and un-plugging the internet.

Little something to add, Metamask is done. They are old news and outdated. Many cheaper, safer and more secure wallet programs exist. While Metamask may have opened the door for Browser addon wallets and Ethereum based Dex’s, they have become antiquated to modern technology.
I would consider using Metamask to be a lazy crypto owner. I’m not endorsing this… But Brave Browser has a multi-coin wallet built in. What makes this wallet top , right now, is that it hold various networks, not just ERC/ETH like Metamask.
Dex’s , Metamask and ERC have an awakening coming, people are getting wise to there pre-minted scheme and are creating entire new networks that make a mockery of ERC-20 and the monopoly they have built for themselves.

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