Bitcoin is halving, Ripple XRP is being dumped, Ravencoin is hardforking to a new GPU mining algorithm, and Ethereum Staking is soon?! Subscribe to VoskCoin to stay up to date w/ crypto! -
GPU mine Ravencoin on Kawpow w/ this -
GPU mine Ethereum with this GPU -
Buy and Sell ASIC miners w/ Scott Offord -
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Bitcoin is about to experience its third block reward halving, reducing the BTC created each block from 12.5 to 6.25! Halving will forever change Bitcoin mining and reduce its mining profitability quite literally by half unless Bitcoin increases in price. Ethereum staking on Ethereum 2.0 is apparently just around the corner, Ethereum is likely to prove to a hybrid blockchain combining proof of work, which is mining, and proof of stake, which is staking which allows you to earn more coins by simply locking them and holding them long-term. Ripple XRP is facing a massive dumping issue, thanks to their co-founder Jed McCaleb. Ravencoin is finally acknowledging all of the ASIC miners and FPGA miners that have been pillaging their network and blockchain AND ARE FINALLY DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Ravencoin is hardforking to KAWPOW, which is their own tweaked version of ProgPoW, which is basically a mining algorithm that is supposed to equalize GPU and ASIC miners, and at this point for ETH and RVN, anything would be a better choice.
Coinmarketcap, aka Binance marketcap! -
Bitcoin block reward halving countdown timer -
Bitmain Antminer S9’s are 23% of BTC mining network -
Ravencoin is hard forking to kawpow progpow -
Ravencoin KAWPOW mining hashrates benchmark list -
Jed McCaleb is dumping all of his Ripple XRP -
Ethereum 2.0 32 ETH staking PoS -
Staking and masternodes profitability calculator -
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