Black screen after NiceHash Quick miner optimize


I have a question. I have one 1660 SUPER and I wanted to try Quick miner instead of the normal one but there is a problem. If I click on the optimize gpu button my screen turns black and I have to restart my pc. I know that this happens with overclocking, but I think that this shouldn’t happen when it is optimized automatically…


try running Trex miner, if I run only nvidia cards, it’s my “go to” software. It’s easy to use, reliable, the developers are active and update it regularly, and you mine to your own wallet. I don’t have anything against NH, its just more like and you’re just renting out your rig, like legit cloud mining, now if its BTC you want and only have gpu’s, then NH isn’t a bad way to go to get it. As for the black screen, sometimes optimize doesn’t always work, like on the readon software for AMD cards, its best to take the time and find youre gpu’s sweet spot manually than leave everything on automatic. Not all gpu’s of the same make and model are the same.

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