Bobcat-Helium mining

Hi guys, I have not been in this chat or around any news regarding what happen to mining helium on bobcat after the merge with solana since over 14/months ago, and I am seeking some help and guidance what happen, and what to do? Can anyone help me, and I appreciate any help.

I recently powered mine back on and active again

Mine was on all this time, so do I have to reactivate it or something else?
On the other hand, I heard that helium got merge with solana, does it hat mean anything for us as miners?
Are we still going to get helium or something else?

In your case, I can say that you need to make sure your Bobcat miner’s firmware is up-to-date to ensure compatibility with the new network. You might need to reconfigure your settings as well.
Now, about that suggestion – if you’re still on the hunt for info and guidance, you might wanna check out cryptomixer. They often share some pretty handy tips and tricks in the crypto world, and who knows, you might find some gems related to Bobcat-Helium mining.
But remember, the crypto space can be a bit of a rollercoaster, so stay patient and keep learning.