Bobcat Miner…Possibly

First time poster here. Wry intrigued by the Bobcat but the hex map is pretty sketchy in my area. How can I improve it if I purchase some miners?

You cannot control the transmit rate. If you register in a hex with 2-4 other miners, they are all going to suffer in rate.

1.0 is the best… .83 is what it drops to with 2 in the hex. I just had someone show up in my hex last week and dropped me to .83 … HNT mining with neighbors is not good.

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Just wait until you’re first to a hex, then 4 others show up and everyone is docked.

Ask me how i know lol!

So, right now there are no hexes at my address. When I get online with my miner, does that create a hex?

yes it does

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