Brand new, DCX-custom USA wired 220v | 120kw 3-tank system | available stateside (Upstate NY)

Hey guys, I’ve been a lurker here for quite a while and I have a very specific DCX immersion mining situation that would be helpful/specific to this group. I know @VoskCoin may be interested for his next level immersion setup :slight_smile: I currently have been running an ICP-40 system at my home in upstate NY for 2 yrs. It’s great and I love it. I decided to add to my mining abilities and ordered a new 120K full setup from DCX with the plans on expanding power at an offsite location. Needless to say, the offsite location didn’t work out (due to owner and not enough power available) and I have a brand new, DXC-Custom 240v USA wired system available for sale in the upstate NY Area. I threw together a site to put pics and more info - so if you are interested, please check it out and IM me any questions you may have. (I worked with Luigi @ DXC and he can vouch for the setup) Thanks! - Digerati

how much? :open_mouth:

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Listed for $32k or .43 BTC. (Negotiable) Onsite in update NY, cleared customs ($$) and in climate controlled storage unit. Would just love to get it to someone who could use/deploy…and secretly see it on a future VoskCoin video. This system was rewired for USA 240v setup - so that is a big plus. :wink:

Bumping this up again in case anyone missed the initial post. System is still available and new/unused.

What do you think, @VoskCoin ? Have a brand new 3-tank 220v wired (from DCX) 120kw cooling system ready for the next VoskFarm Deployment. it’s on sale now for .43 BTC…think about it. :grinning:

So time to go on sale - price has dropped to $22k or .25BTC :money_mouth_face:

Brand new, unused, USA 240v custom wired from DCX factory 120kW triple tank setup ready for your immersion setup. Located in western NY and stored in climate controlled storage unit. Let’s make a deal today!
