Btc mining via laptop

Hello members . I’ve signed in following YouTube advertising. Can anybody advice me please about 3 websites that mine btc using CPU via laptop?

Nicehash is the only website

Btw you need a Good CPU in AMD Ryzen Range to Mine Monero which will be payed out to you as BTC

I’ve been using Crypto tab browser and it’s profitable.

I use NiceHash on a old laptop I haven’t used in years. I wiped it clean, fresh windows install and installed NiceHash. Runs in the background day and night. Literally makes me about 1¢ of BTC a day but to me that’s BTC I didn’t have yesterday.


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Profit of $0.01 or just daily earns $0.01 big difference as depending on the age it is likely costing you money instead of making it and you could instead spend what you are burning in electricity to straight up buy the crypto.

On crypto earning browsers you can earn BAT with Brave not that it is a great coin but I would trust their browser over the other.


I’m not looking short term. My long term goal is to hold the BTC no matter if it’s mined at a loss right now because me personally I believe in the long term game. It’s all up to specific person if you see the worth in it and where your goals are long or short.


I am with you but if you will be paying $0.50 at the end of the month for the electricity spent to mine $0.30 of BTC that month then it would have been better to buy $0.50 of BTC. Right now I am mining with a $0.20 daily profit on my GPU of my gaming PC I never get time to game on. If that profitability drops to 0 or less then I will stop mining and start buying.


If your looking for long term on a laptop, check out my crypto tab browser above. They have an NFT section. If you can time the purchase of these “mining NFTs” you can find profitable deals on the 6 or 12 months options. They also sell a “premium” NFT that gives you a permanent x2 on your current PC hash rate. These NFTs are on open sea and sometimes cheaper there.

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Hey man to each his own I understand I just like the tech of mining and would keep going even if it went zero.


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