Canaan 1246 93TH vs Bitmain S19

Currently the 1246’s are about half the price of the 90TH s19. I have no experience with the 1246’s, so I wanted to get thoughts from the group here. Are the s19s worth the extra upfront cost?

Which sites are the Canaan’s that cheap?


Reason y they are cheap is because they are garbage( they won’t last a year maybe they will maybe they won’t there not as bad s17 but not on par with s19) and have no firmware so no overclocking or under locking


Id also wouldn’t get s19 90 they are way outdated for now I’d only recommend s19 96 and up with right control board so u can have best firmware. There are reasons y it’s cheap. Unless u have cheap power which I mean under .06kw that pay more for a better miner


I have a pretty decent power deal, so I tend to shop on price/TH. The uptime of the miner and parts availability is key though, so I may opt for the more expensive miner.

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Ah, so with my electric rate I should get an s19? :muscle: