Can't Get bobcat 300 to do anything

Hey All, I’ve got 3 different HNT miners. The third one being a Bobcat 300, from the time I ordered it to actually getting it setup was over a year, but it won’t do anything. I’ve setup port forwarding, I’ve reset it, I’ve tried wi-fi and ethernet. I’m at a loss at what to do next. Diagnostic report below for anyone who can figure out what it says the problem is:


“ota_version”: “”,
“region”: “error: usage in”,
“frequency_plan”: “us915”,
“animal”: “basic-midnight-crab”,
“pubkey”: “11LXnhjDrKgoJfCqQajLKvGUujqNhcyp6HacVdrA9JUUBA3on15”,
“miner”: {
“State”: “running”,
“Status”: “Up 2 minutes”,
“Names”: [
“Image”: “Quay”,
“Created”: 1678826222
“p2p_status”: [
“Error: Usage information not found for the given command”,
“miner_height”: “command”,
“epoch”: “Error:”,
“ports_desc”: “only need to port forward 44158. For 22, only when need remote support. public port open/close isn’t accurate here, if your listen_addr is IP address, it should be OK”,
“ports”: {
“”: “open”,
“”: “closed/timeout”,
“”: “closed/timeout”,
“”: “closed/timeout”
“private_ip”: “”,
“public_ip”: “”,
“peerbook”: [
“| address | name |listen_add|connectio| nat |last_updat|”,
“|/p2p/11LXnhjDrKgoJfCqQajLKvGUujqNhcyp6HacVdrA|basic-midnight-| 0 | 4 |unknow| 934.242s |”,
“| local | remote | p2p | name |”,
“height”: [
“Error: Usage information not found for the given command”,
“temp0”: “46 °C”,
“temp1”: “42 °C”,
“timestamp”: “2023-03-14 22:56:50 +0000 UTC”,
“errors”: " :‘2023-03-14 22:54:33.067 1 [error] \u003c0.1678.0\u003e@Undefined:Undefined:Undefined Supervisor miner_critical_sup had child blockchain_sup started with blockchain_sup:start_link([{key,{{ecc_compact,{{‘ECPoint’,\u003c\u003c4,44,88,221,166,10,114,231,105,174,119,154,72,220,141,153,…\u003e\u003e},…}},…}},…]) at undefined exit with reason {shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,blockchain_worker,{function_clause,[{blockchain_ledger_v1,load_raw,[[{\u003c\u003c1,13,134,70,227,223,243\u003e\u003e,\u003c\u003c131,108,0,0,0,1,109,0,0,0,33,1,92,113,199,148,226,125,172,108,90,69,83,67,136,189,146,250,181,189,16,162,80,203,108,6,138,73,54,167,56,173,152,78,106\u003e\u003e},{\u003c\u003c1,13,134,151,158,191,243\u003e\u003e,\u003c\u003c131,108,0,0,0,1,109,0,0,0,33,1,30,103,225,102,212,45,102,159,42,133,152,251,114,96,133,75,251,186,81,102,170,19,27,170,151,58,7,12,188,203,69,69,106\u003e\u003e},{\u003c\u003c1,32,22,210,88,31,243\u003e\u003e,…},…],…],…},…]}}} in context start_error’ Please try to power off then power on. If that doesn’t work contact support."


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Helium is a waste of time these days. Consider it a sign, my friend. Once my hotspots die I don’t plan on replacing them.

To answer your inquiry, however, I have no clue what could be causing your problem.

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My bobcat 300 went faulty so I replaced it with a new one I had that was spare. I spent a day trying to get it to work on Ethernet and WiFi but it was to no avail, the one thing I was trying to do was to force an OTA update as the firmware was well out of date. No matter what I tried, it just didn’t want play.

I raised a query with Bobcat two days ago and they came back explaining if your firmware is way out of date, OTA updates will not work. They raised a to remotely update the firmware. I would suspect this to be your problem. Select “technical support” and fill out as much as you can. Best of luck!

However I am in agreeable with @RetroParc as sadly helium is simply floundering.


Awesome, thanks for the info. It may be floundering, but I’ve got the machine and free electricity so I might as well run it. (If I can get it to work).

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I’ve just heard back from their support and have to do a manual firmware update which involves removing the rear cover and updating with a firmware file somewhere. I’ve not fully looked at it yet, but Bobcat HAVE to enable something their end so you can carry out the update. To be honest the thing only uses 5w so I’m not bothered by the electricity and will run mine whilst helium continues.

I will let you know how the update goes and how it’s done. There’s a restore button inside the unit so it might be something to do with that.


hi there did you have any luck at getting your miner updated, just turned on a spare I had from 2 years back, I cannot onboard it as the firmware is too out of date.
any help would be great as bobcat is now gone I’m struggling

Try bobcat discord. Mine stopped working and I’m battling to make some sense out of it. It all looks hunky-dory, but shows ad being offline. Use HeliumGeek to check status. This is what we’re all being advised to use.

Bobcat shutdown after ripping all the cash from its customers, the bobber app is no more and if you login to your miner using its ip, a lot of the options no longer work. This is the state of bobcat currently.

I’d like to get mine running as it simply uses no power at all. One thing yo not is they now mine IOT and not helium. The black helium wallet still works.