Choosing best antenna for bobcat 300

HI all, very new to mining. have just set up a miner in a suburban area in London (UK). Its ticking over just below the regional average. obviously I want it to be doing a lot better and am now thinking of changing the antenna.
Is there any simply rule to follow with this, any calculation or way to solve what to do? OR, is this really trial and error and a bit of luck?
Any help will be very gratefully received.
Thank you.

I am new to this, in fact still waiting for my miner to arrive. Here is what I think I know. Place your antenna in an unobstructed location or the best you can. Place it high. Is it directional point it in a different direction. you may need to put it at the other end f the house. If it is using wifi use ethernet instead. Is the pool you have chosen the best for your area? If you are set on buying an antenna consider your location relative to other miners they come directional and varying strengths and signal shapes.

These are things I would consider before spending more money.

there is a bit of trial and error, but if you use hotspotrf it can give you a good estimate on better placement and what kind of antenna you should get. that being said, if you go on the voskcoin discord you can find lots of people that can give you more info or check out the helium wiki with stupid amounts of info. Helium HNT Hotspot Mining Wiki & FAQ