CK-box not working Red power supply light after 40 seconds after start up

Having trouble finding any good imformation on this. My ck-box was working fine for about a month, then the dxpool went down, when it came back up it said my miner was dead. So i deleted it off the pool started setting it up again and now when i turn it on after about 40 seconds the power light goes from green to red and the fans slow way down and I cant connect to the pool.

Red power supply light after 40 seconds, how do I fix this?

Is yours a wifi edition?

no it is not the wifi

I’m having the same exact problem. I’ve entered a ticket with Goldshell but nothing back yet. Please post if you get it resolved

Have you tried a different pool? Also, can you log into your miner?

It’s not the pool it’s getting into the KD Box itself. I put the IP address in and it comes back that it can’t connect. But if I reboot it I can connect for a short time (30 seconds or so) while the light is green above the power cord. Then it goes red and loses connection.

thats exactly what is happening to mine, I can connect for about 30 seconds, I also put a ticket in

Can you connect to This is normally your default router address but this can also be the gateway address for your miner. So you may be able to connect on this and get logged into the miner.

Also, dxpool went pool down and the .com address does not work anymore. You need to change everything to the .net address. My miner was still mining for the 1st 24 hours, but then I had to also change my pool address to the .net stratum

its not an issue with the pool, its the ck-box. it runs for 40 seconds and i can connect to the address, then i get a red power supply light and it stops working.

So, can you log into the miner and make changes to settings?

yes for a few seconds, then i could enter in my account for the pool but it would not connect to the pool and then this red light thing started happening.

So forget pools, does the miner itself offer up a wifi hotspot?

I got same thing with one of mine HS-Box. Just red light at the bottom comes stright away up. Have tried everything… just can’t get IP nothing… So i actually think that the control board id f****d. Trying to get ordered from Goldshell… without success. :frowning:

I have a ck box that I cannot get past the IP address part in the yotta bc. I am looking thru the faq on goldshell and it is talking about red and green lights. Mine only has a blinking blue light. Ive been trying to get this thing going for a whole day now… really sucks

Try manual full resset. Right to the reset button there is like small pin hole. You need some pen/pensil for that. Press it and hold for about 10sec or… hold while… blue/green and red lights on top will start flashing. Hold it till bouth lights will stop flashing. The unit will restart it self then. After some few sec later at the button will cone red light. Go on your pc and find it… But it will be with new IP. It woun’t be the same IP for this unit as it was before. Once you find this new IP. It should be your box with factory settings. So just enter your setings for pool and worker…

Sorry,correction. Hold te reset in pinhole while bouth lights on top flashing. And when bouth lights stops flashing. Only then let go pressed reset in pinhole. :slight_smile:

For me this method has worked several times. Just got back unit like new with factory settings.
Hope it will work for you.

Thanks Frenks

I was able to get past the problem by locating the ckbox on my network and typing the ip address to the browser. yotta bc isn’t even necessary.

Hope you others can get it figured out. This is my first asic and seeing that screen displaying the hashrate is so satisfying after trying to get this going for the better part of a day.

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When i had trying to lunch my very first asic. It did take three day’s. Every day finished being drunk because nothing worked… :joy::joy::joy:
I was close to give up.On fourth day i wake up and decited to try nice and slowly and fresh head… It did work… since than… i have even last a count how many shinee machines i have… :slight_smile: