CK5 wont hash today please help

My asic ck5 miner has a problem today and i not sure how to solve it. Once its powered up it blinks 1 long green then 8 short red. and repeats on the long green the network light one short flash of red then back to blinking green. my portal shows it. but on that red fault blink my pc side blinks and shows pool not ready then blinks back to normal. i tried different pool providers, I updated firmware it took that just fine. I Replaced the cat6 cable to it. used a different port on my switch. Cycled all equipment with no changes. This sucks and i don’t know what to do

Try with above pools and test , if not work , change the port of pool address , if not work maybe need to check your hardware by rest factory or maybe your internet port are closed and need to use Virtual private network to test by connecting to router , but first of all must be sure what is problem .

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I tried everything you suggested.
this is what its doing

Please make video of pool setting and check your another CK5 is same pool address and same port ?