Converting a shed into a Hard Drive Mining Data Center

moarrrrr picssssss of the VoskCoin hdd mining shed

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VoskCoin hard drive hdd mining shed build pics 3, all of these have been sent to me by the shed builder and their electrician.

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How much storage are you planning???

very nice. where did you get the shed?

Running and gunning with the hdd mining shed lol ahh another hectic week


Why does the green robot have a chainsaw? :skull:


lol thats awesome, trenching a power line & ethernet line both in conduit !


Been awhile since I posted an update on this thread, I have been agonizing about a shelving solution…

All of these hard drives and HDD fans in these EVG cases are starting to seriously create a vibration buzz, which made me think much more seriously about rubber feet on shelving or something similar to help alleviate some of the buzzing – if that continues to grow it could lead to early hard drive failure.

Finally settled on these DeWalt wire shelves, I bought one of these for the garage and love it, bit expensive but high quality and nice rubber feet come standard with these dewalt shelves

I will attach them side by side, and stack 2 vertically, in order to maximize their potential with this HDD mining shed build

We do not have anymore evergreen HDD mining kits on order, and continue to work with EVG to solve some of our unreliable chia miners. This gives us a clear picture of our existing hardware and a need to finally get it organized and ensure everything is running properly. We have run out of makeshift shelf space and it’s just a mess in there, driving me crazy lol

Uline has been my supplier of choice. I get one of their phone book catalogs every other week. Not that I ever use it though

this plan resulted in the shelving being too tall… now looking at putting simply 2 of these, side by side, they’re close to the original plan or 48 width shelves x3, these are 77, x2

Uline has shelves in literally any spec you can think of. It’s what I use