I have been on a journey the last few weeks. I have learned some very disturbing things that I believe to be true. The things I have learned are shocking and disturbing. I am not even sure this is the right place to bring this up but I feel like people deserve to know the truth if they chose it. I am going to post a link to a playlist and all I ask is that you go into it with an open mind and try not to just dismiss things because they seem unbelievable and instead if there is something you cannot believe do some of your own research and then come to your own conclusion. A few weeks ago I would never even considered posting something like this anywhere and outing myself as someone who believes these things but after so many coincidences can they all just be coincidence.
I am being very serious right now. Learning this information might change your life. I hope you are ready to take the “red pill Neo”.
If we do end up discussing this here I just ask that we do it with kindness and respect to each other and do not judge each other for openly speaking our thoughts.
Well I for one always have my tin foil hat on, enough to see through the bullshit, and enough to know what is probably a stretch. One thing I learned after being in the military so long is it all sounds crazy, until it happens. I believe in being prepared and there is nothing with minimal research that won’t create the “illusion” that we are lied too and cheated nearly everyday by the government in some way or another. Conspiracies are always “crazy” until it’s proven to be true. The choice to understand and research on your own and read factual and some fictional stories will always shed light on something. Even a small lie has a grain of truth in it somewhere.
I come here to try an help those new to GPU mining and crypto if I can. I do not come here to see anybody’s conspiracy/political opinions, there are literally thousands of sites and forums for that. Turn this into some political site and you will not find me, nor others coming here for help nor to give help. Just my 2 cents.
Nah, not trying to be an ole bastard or discourage you from questioning things at all, and if the video title had included…“why you should own crypto”…? It’s just kind of a slippery-slope, but this is the watercooler-section…carry on.
the relevance is that this all leads to free electricity that is why i thought I could sneak it in here, if you don’t want to watch the playlist I posted just research Nikola Tesla and what he thought about free electricity and why people think he was taken out by those profiting from fossil fuels.
this would not surprise me cough Epstein cough wherever there is an agenda for someone to strip something someone has power over, especially in big industries such as electricity or fuel generation, seemingly wouldn’t surprise me he was eliminated from the equation.
The great reset is what they want, and to get it they will destroy and bankrupt everyone so they can take their shit, put them on the government tit, and shove ya into a 300 sq ft. container to live in.
“go into it with an open mind and try not to just dismiss things because they seem unbelievable and instead if there is something you cannot believe do some of your own research and then come to your own conclusion.” this is the socially not passed exam, but we’re on the way. Thank you, but I can see the videos anymore