Did you know there are coins that are ASIC + have 'Passive Income'? DeVault is one

What are Cold Rewards?

Long before launching or even branding meetings the goal was always fairly simple; reward as many users for participating in the digital cash ecosystem without creating large technical or financial barriers to entry such as we’ve seen with most of the projects in this space. This caused us to spend many months researching all of the possible methods to do this, and then at the end of it all, scrapping them and creating our own method; Cold Rewards. The name is fitting because much like ‘cold wallets’ that are stored cryptocurrencies completely offline, this reward system also rewards completely offline addresses regardless if they have a node online or not.

That opened up the door to many great possibilities. The main one being that now mobile or even offline users had access to a stream of passive income based on the coins they are in possession of. No longer do you have to actively run a staking node on your computer or a miner to take advantage of that value that most coins offer.

With DeVault, you can quite literally earn while you do nothing, the rules are simple:

  • 25,000+ coins in a single UTXO (community fork updated from original 1k requirement)
  • 21,915 blocks with no outgoing coins from the specific UTXO
  • 1.25% monthly (1k takes longer than 21,915 blocks to avoid spam, but 4k is basically monthly. Either way the payout is the same % though.)