DxPool RESTRICTING Chinese Miners

Good Morning! I saw this message while mining on DxPool that Chinese miners are being restricted :no_entry_sign: on DxPool … I’m so sorry to hear this for our Chinese Mining Community; however, does this increase our opportunities in the other mining :pick: communities…. or is this kind of news coming to us in the US in the future?

That’s primarily they banned mining. F2Pool did the same, remove mining service to mainland China.

Right! But will this allow us to mine more than what we have?

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I don’t think it works like that, correct me if I’m wrong. Your hardware has a set limit on computing power, example: 1 TH/s hashrate, which will produce 1 coin per day. Your results for a day won’t change. You will still only generate 1 coin per day due to your hashrate. You might notice less congestion for a short while as all the miners in China go to other countries or set up VPNs. Maybe less rejection rate as well. For it will not allow you to mine more, as there wasn’t really a limit to begin with.

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Great explanation! Thank you :smile:

Not necessarily true. If a bunch of miners drop out all at once and thus the number of miners in the network is reduced drastically, it would cause the mining difficulty to be reduced. Thus, your same 1TH/s of computing power could solve more blocks and hence be able to mine more coins from the reduction of miners in the network.

This also works in the opposite way as well. If the number of miners went up drastically, then the mining difficulty would have to be increased to keep the average block time of the mined coin.

Normally people start to mine the coin that is going up in price, so when the difficulty goes up, the coins price is also going up. So, although your miner is mining less coins due to the increasing in mining difficulty, the value stays the same due to the increase value of the coin. And vice versa when the coin drops in value, miners tend to stop minding that coin.

But this is not always the case, and if you see an increase of miners with a decrease of the value of the coin being mined, then you will see a decrease in profits due to increasing mining difficulty paired with decrease in the coins value.

Good read here, Mining Difficulty and Network Hashrate Explained - Crypto Mining Blog (2miners.com)

Always good to keep track of mining difficulty versus coin value. And have some knowledge and educated guess on how it’s going to change in the future before spending $$$$$ on a miner.

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