Energy rate increases

Be aware of proposed energy rate increases, e.g. Duke Progress, here in NC, has proposed an 18% increase over the next 3 years. This is very likely going to happen, and it would bump my current rate of 12/kWh to 14. It makes me question how much I want to get involved in mining more than just a casual hobby. Of course, if Vosk gets us a really good deal on the Tails Edition Evergreens, I may get into that. :wink:


NVenergy increased from 6 cents to 14.5cents over the course of 2 years. Time to go solar with government backed programs.


Yeah, power prices make me sad :frowning: JUST BUILD THOSE FREEEAKING FUSION PLANTS ALREADY.


Government backed programs are probably not going to support the mining efforts. :frowning:

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Depending on where you live and the energy sources your gov provides it will never end. Europe thought they were really clever building a gas pipeline from Nigeria all the way up to Europe but with the coup in Niger puts that at risk (as it travels through Niger to North Africa) Where I live is only powered by Wind, Solar and natural gas. Even though we have our own natural gas it’s still priced by the global market. Electric cars aren’t doing the grid favour because people plug in their cars at peak times after work (my wife has one but we charge on solar) but there’s a new power company that gives you 5c usd rates between 12am-6am IF you have an electric car (flat rates here are normally 27c usd for context), so they are trying to spread the load. It’s always going to keep going up and up, generate your own electricity if possible

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