Estimated mining farms profitability 2024

I’ve been following this guy for quite a while and he’s one of the sharpest ones out there, mainly doing mining stocks but he used to run a mining farm for someone. Long story short in the video he explains if BTC is $50k in May, only 4 of the biggest 16 mining farms will be profitable. If BTC is $45k then only one will be profitable, and if BTC is $40k then none will be, and they’ll all be millions in the red. On the upside, at $65k, 11/16 companies will be profitable and all but 2 will be at $80k. The thing is though they’ll be millions in the red until that point per month and idk about you but I’d hate to be running at a million dollar loss per month.


gotta remember though, if any of them unplug, profitability goes up for the rest.


Yep and miners will be sold on the cheap


Whats interesting to me is although market has been trending down or bear market BTC hashrate is at an all time high. I assumed a lot of people were using equipment to heat homes during winter and hashrate would go down in the summer but I was wrong. Belief and support in BTC seems stronger than ever. As a home miner it sucks competing against large industrial farms but nevertheless I HODL


Just my opinion this the past year and upcoming year will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to buy electrical infrastructure to not only power your miners on the cheap but generate cheap electricity for your home for the next 30 years (depending on where you live of course, my electricity is going up another 25% in July, went up 30% last year) some cheaper hosting alternatives are also coming up, I see hobbiest miner had a sponsor from a hosting facility in Argentina that is offering 2c/kw services, however even if the service provider is legit just keep in mind their electricity consumption per capita is 2.6MW/year while the US is 11.7MW/year, to me that says energy is scarce and their currency is worth F all and worth less every day, so I’d have concerns that they could force a business like that to shut down and possibly seize equipment like they did in Russia (but different reasons of course) so the safest bet if possible, in my opinion, is to invest in your own electricity infrastructure and be able to run miners on the cheap when others can’t. And sorry to everyone on the forum who has read me say that 1000 times lol


I’ve always viewed electricity (or energy) as the grandest of conspiracies.
Why not nuclear? The USA has 92 nuclear power plants. The US Navy has 83 nuclear powered ships.
So clearly there is minimal danger when they are obviously being produced on a smaller and usable scale. But as we , miners, understand, too much supply lowers the price. At a certain point providing energy cost more than producing it.
Hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen powered generators were almost the new it (2007). But the same issue exist. If normal folks could turn water into hydrogen, then who needs to pay the rulers?
So what did the world get instead of clean hydrogen energy? Electric cars. Because global giants aren’t just ready to consolidate their riches. They need to milk a few more generations with batteries and new modeled cars for profits.

And this all boils to part of why I’m a BTC-Maxi. Yes, we use “their power” and we also consume “their money”.
It’s a big shit sandwich, and we are forcing everyone to take a bite. We’re all used to it, the only issue is global energy giants are getting their shit served. It’s fair to say the US and (global giant) Edison Electric, sets the price of BTC because they’d rather make electricity scarce to charge more. It’s a dupping cycle, they charge more, we use more, our BTC out values their pretendo-money , and what will they do. “printing machine goes bur–bur—bur–bur–” and close down more nuclear plants to raise the price of electricity and pretend their currency still holds value.

I may not live to see “our day”, but God Damn, I didn’t expect them to be on their knee’s this fast. The SEC, FED and IMF have a hard time even opening their mouths because even school children are laughing at them.


I couldn’t agree more. I’m pretty sure not long ago before European winter some countries changed the definition of natural gas to “renewable” so they could use more natural gas and still meet their “climate” targets or something along those lines, they can and will move the goal posts as they please. The purpose of Bitcoin is to get away from a controlled system, yet anything you trade BTC for will probably be in a controlled system. You buy groceries, even if you used BTC and the receiver did not exchange the BTC for fiat, the farmer growing produce prices his goods on factors controlled by the system such as energy (electricity and diesel etc) herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers (which is heavily regulated) land tax, insurance, general tax and so on. The only way to truly be free of the system is to do everything yourself, which is not only risky but it is painfully time consuming, you’d have no life. But if you pick your battles, and start doing something that you control which is at the source of EVERYTHING we do, which is energy. And while when you buy that at first it will be in a controlled manner but if you are off grid then it is no longer controlled assuming theres no remote login for some ass to login and turn off your inverters. That’s a pretty good start, then if you are able to generate your own energy and buy an electric car, then you dont have to buy fuel which has road tax priced into it and is priced based on your governments decisions and global events. Everyone wants a slice of the pie, but the gov wants a bit more than a slice…


The whole nuclear power plant get voted down because it a eye soar on most county’s we had one on the island built went 20% and then shut down same happened with wind got voted down because of a eye soar. Granted it Long Island ny


The United States Navy, now powers the vessels they use to dominate the world with nuclear and steam power (produced from cooling the nuke cores).
I’d also add, the plant you are talking about was old tech, build 30 years after nuclear power/energy/tech was discovered or invested. Today, 80 years have past.
We could also say the ships are in the water/ocean which gives them a cooling advantage Vs a land/sea/water based nuclear plant.
UK - 7
Russia, yes unknown #
China 2 carriers known for sure. # unknown
Japan is buying
France is a big yes, unknown amount of “fleets” of nuclear powered vessels.

France and Great Britain don’t even produce oil, so unless they want to buy oil off of Russians, to wage war on Russia. Nuclear it is, or maybe solar and hope for a sunny day.

So the richest and most powerful people on Earth intend and practice the use of Nuclear energy to maintain their dominance.

Great for Thee, but not for Me.

Outside of a people falling asleep at the nuclear panel board, when has nuclear energy gone wrong. 3 times, 3 times reactors have got too hot. 3 mile, Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi.

Wind was never viable. The cost (energy) to mine the metals and then the energy used to create coils. The Wind Generators will never produce more than it cost to build. They are tax write-offs of governments and counties to use so they can get away with pollution. I’m literally telling the truth. Edison causes massive Earth quakes as they try to Cap Thermal Wells… So what do they do instead of being sued in a class action/joint law suit, settle to provide CA with a Solar and Wind field. Which has never produced what it cost to run annually and as of now has become a problem for CA as destroying it will also cost Millions. Thanks Edison, the bribe was nice instead of having to follow the laws we have to follow. But ultimately, Edison sells us electricity, so why would they give us a profitable generation plant??? to shoot themselves in the foot and decrease profits.

This is why I started by saying conspiracy. If a ‘conspiracy’ could exist to execute JFK , than controlling how hundred of Trillions of dollars will be profited , seems rather logical.

NASA hopes to have the Nuclear thermal propulsion in action by 2030, as they’ve publicly stated. The whole “gas tanks in space” got old and was not viable. Most astronauts dies in that explosion. So NASA opted for the safest plan they could.

When teenager, David Hahn ( David Hahn - Wikipedia ) built a reactor for the Boy Scouts in his garden shed. People and Authorities, freaked out, based on fear and ignorance. While he did expose the property to radiation. He proved to them the threat was not real, just in their heads. So the US Navy hired him. No charges were ever filled as he basically outsmarted the generalized propaganda about the dangers of Nuclear power. On the “huss huss” down low, the safe materials he used, were outlawed.

Obviously I feel pretty strong in this direction or belief. So I ask you. Why not? what logical reasons exist to not provide nuclear power.
And what do I really know?? as I talk about propaganda and misleading info, it is quite possible I’m full of shhh and have been lead astray myself.

Humans are chalked full of fears, most are propagated for profit. So do Cell phones give you cancer or not? So Pac-Bell started that propaganda. Long story around, they ended analog frequency and went digital , Pac-Bell started making cell phones. When was the last time you heard someone say Cell phones cause cancer? The same radio waves they used to claim caused cancer, were the same radio waves powering the TV’s that told of the dangers of Cell phone caused Cancer. So who might be misleading you about information about Nuclear power.

EGP-6 reactors are being used all over. China seems to really like them.


We should just band together and make our own nuclear reactor. Power those miners the right way.

Instead of “Going green”, our slogan can be “glowing green”


Where’s Bill Gates? Didn’t he make a tiny one?


Yep also follow this guy - great info!

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Yea I’m against it to many homer’s out there to trust not to fuck it up. I doubt any of you guys have seen what It can cause from a nuclear bomb to power plants overheating. If military took it over I’d trust it more but fuck one of u guys no way sorry. If you don’t like your power bill then move you do have a choice there plenty of countries are cheaper then USA or eu.

How about Vosk? Can we trust Vosk or at least Tails with some plutonium?


This @Tails?

There Can Be Only One GIFs | Tenor


Nope sorry vosk I don’t trust anyone maybe a spacebadger in space where it’s not going to destroy a place. Really I travel the world most of my adult life and have seen Hiroshima,Nagasaki and Chernobyl and Chernobyl is the worst. Sorry kinda of history dude i search out historical spot. I’m hopeful to see a lot of spot in Vietnam since my father was there during the war

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That’d be really cool man. Take you back.

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Luckily he was just a airplane mechanic so safer then a soldiers

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Look at that face and tell me you’re worried about a dirty bomb :rofl::rofl::rofl: 100% I’d trust Tails making Nuclear power in my kitchen

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