I had to scratch my eyes as well! I spend quite a lot of time watching who is hitting what solo etherum blocks. Over the last few days things have been on fire! And when I say on fire I mean on fire! Check out this SOLO ETHEREUM BLOCK REWARD OF 3.15 + ETH.
Block Reward currently for ETH is 2 ETH per block with a pool fee of…yes that is right a 1.5% pool fee and they still had over how many ETHEREUM?
As always SOLO MINING IS NOT RECOMMENDED. Check out this video if you want to see why? Or you can check out this video if you want to see why? You should probably also check out this one as well! The reason we say SOLO MINING IS NOT RECOMMENDED is pretty simple… YOU CAN GO FOOOOOORRRRRREEEEEVVVVVVEEEEERRRRR with out hitting a block. Most people need max earnings per day and can’t go the weeks, months, or years it takes to find blocks. With that being said.
But we aren’t here to talk about that. We are here to talk about these block rewards for ETHEREUM right now. COIN IN THE BANKS FOR SURE.
This is juicy stuff here. There is A LOT of ETHEREUM moving around to cause SOLO block rewards like this. I can imagine that it is like this on all pools. Some where some how ETHEREUM is getting passed around… well you get the idea.
What this means is transaction fees are up because of any number of reasons or there are just a crap ton more transactions going on in between blocks. It could be people locking ETHEREUM up in smart contracts or just simple exchange by a day trader.
The one thing I know is I want some of that action. Well we asked for it and we received it. Check out this video of us smashing a SOLO ETHEREUM BLOCK… and that block being an uncle!
Even then though check out these other block rewards during the same time we ripped that SOLO ETHEREUM BLOCK! WE WERE PRETTY DARN LUCKY.
Block rewards will fluctuate on so many different factors. More than we want to talk now. Also depending on the time of day and the trading that is happening a lot of action can take place. As always SOLO MINING IS NOT RECOMMENDED. Please DYOR on anything you are going to do or try. You can get REKT for sure if you are not carefull.
Head over to 2MINERS.COM to check this out yourself.