Ethereum was the most profitable coin to mine for years, earning more mining Ethereum than Bitcoin, but then ETH changed… However I am still mining the original Ethereum blockchain, and Ethereum Classic ETC mining is absolutely still worth mining in 2025, this is why! Buy an Ethereum miner here - Asic Marketplace: Most Reliable Asic Miner Shop - Asic Marketplace
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GPU mining used to be incredibly fun and profitable, but now ASIC mining is the only way to earn passive income on a large scale with mining. Is the new Bitmain Antminer E11 worth buying to mine the original Ethereum, Ethereum Classic ETC, or should we wait for the Bitmain Antminer E11 Pro. My Bitmain Antminer E9 Pro barely is profitable now, but my overpriced Bombax EZ100 miners still earn much more than they burn in electricity, and my Jasminers are profitable mining ETC, and some of these mining rigs even dual mine ETC and ZIL Ziliqa.
00:00 Should I expand my ETC mining endeavor?
01:12 ETC is still a profitable mining cryptocurrency
02:07 Bitmain newly E11 ETC miner
04:46 How is ETC the classic version of ETH?
06:22 Which is the most profitable miner?
09:57 Bombax ez 100 is better than the Bitmain E11!
10:29 ETC real-world mining profitability
13:40 Should you mine ETC?
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Ethereum Mining in 2025?