Faulty QC box. PLease help

Hello people,

I recently purchased a CK box and was running OK till today. This morning I woke up and both lights (top and button) where on static red. When I tried to bring it back to live it would stop hashing (again both lights red) after a few seconds and would only start hashing again when I moved the Pci-6 connector. It looks like there is a bad connection in this port. After trying our several times I managed to get it running but the blue blinking light is static and the red light next to it is on (picture). Any suggestion/ideas?

Google search your issue. I think a few Reddit articles pop up. More likely than not you’ll see people posting about mini doge, not the CK box, but it should be the same thing.

Sorry I didn’t directly answer your question, but I’ve found that Google search is your best bet. You can also search the forum

Thanks, the funny thing is that now it is working properly but showing both blue and red lights on top.

What is the actual propper lights for these miners?

My minidoges have always blinking blue lights


Do these stats look OK?