Finestra Miners need help

Not sure if I’ve been posting in wrong spot but not getting any responses. Are there any other members using Finestra miners? Are you experiencing low to almost no activity? Have you tried to upgrade the antennas? I’ve seen videos where a few did. But one said his hasn’t work past week. Finestra designed to be deployed in a widow. I heard placing helium miners near windows is not a good thing?

I have 9 deployed in my city. Some are 2nd story windows some are 1st story window. Combined they are earning less then 1 non Finestra miner. Would like to hear from others on their experience with this miner so I can hopefully figure out whats going wrong. Or did I simple get a crap miner. Thanks

First, you are going to need to get them into Ethernet connection and not the WIFI connection they are forcing you to do.

This will void your warranty but you can open up the Finestra miner and see the Ethernet port on the board. feel free to drill a hole out on the plastic to allow a CAT6 connection to pass thru.

stock antennas don’t do well with these miners, feel free to pick up the appropriate antenna for your location. Use RFhotspot to see what’s optimal “theoretically” for your area.

Mount the antenna as high as possible and outside of the structure.

please read the Wiki for more optimization tips the community has collected.

OK opened it up and yep there is a Cat6 in there.
Is this just a plug and play or will some kind of setting have to be changed to switch from wifi to a cable connection?

I guess I suck at these threads. I did scroll threw wiki didnt see much for these miners. Are you using one of them yourself. Does switching from wifi to ether really make that much of a difference? I tried a non stock antenna once and it went offline. And now a youtuber who put a 5.8 on his hasnt gotten his to work past 6 days. But got another confirmation from another youtuber that there is still working with a 5.8 on it. If you have a finestra can you share what your using?

I have 2. puny sandstone buffalo and fury mauve carp. Buffalo was originally deployed the 2nd story window with the included antenna. It wasn’t doing much. Then I upgraded to 5.8ghz antenna, but still inside the window because the weather prevented me from doing outside work. Eventually the weather cleared for a few days. I installed Carp on the high roof with a 5.8dbi antenna. The antenna is quite low to the roof, but it was immediately doing better than buffalo inside. Next nice day I moved buffalo outside on the corner of the building. Buffalo did better for a few days then started to go offline frequently. Both would go into relayed mode pretty regular too.

So I moved to troubleshooting other parts of the setup. Both locations are on fiber with static IP. BOTH are on wifi for now. I didn’t want to void my warranty. Physically rebooting them seems to help but not for long. Next I did the port forward for port 44158. That has helped a lot.

Last, If you visit the helium discord, you will see that a lot of people are having problems right now because the block chain is getting too large and takes a long time to sync. Helium is supposed to implement changes soon that should fix that.

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Yep I’m running (2) Finestras and they were affected momentarily by the outage that most miners got hit with last week (a couple of my miners in the fleet are still down - 7days). However Finestras “Sync-up” feature got it back up in just a few hrs. Having them on a direct connection instead of Wifi def helped with the download speed.

As for antenna upgrades, fitting your miner with a better antenna will def help you. Just make sure you buy a decent one and an extension cable with low loss. check out hotspotRF to see what setup might work the best for your location.

The finestra miner looks similar to the guys of most miners (RAK, sensecap, ect.) its a Raspberry Pi.

Relayed issues is something all miners deal with and there are a hand full of tutorials on how to fix this. or work around it. check out the Wiki again.

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Thanks for sharing your experiences guys it was a big help. A friend who got a Finestra months before me swore up and down you couldn’t change the antenna. I tried anyways with a 4.6 antenna I got off amazon. And the miner went off line constantly. But I think the one i got off amazon was junk. So I bought a 5.8 and now my 1st miner is rocking. The first 2 hours I made more then the last 2 weeks. Already ordered more to get my others going.

I have one Finestra that refuses to accept a wifi with a password. Already been back and forth with mimic and they have been no help. Always says password is invalid. Ive changed the wifi password to 123456 and still no go. I’ve seen images of people cutting open the case to plug into the Ethernet port. Was wondering if anyone else is doing that? And is anyone doing PoE to the miner? If so please share you experience. Much thanks!