Goldshell CK-BOX question

@Drake_Coldwinter would you recommend buying a CK box? With the CK6’s being used, the CK Box barely makes any money right now. What do you think? I realize that buying equipment during bear markets is the right time to buy, but buying the CK Box worries me when the hashrate might not produce enough coins to cover mining costs and make the equipment profitable.

What do you think?

I think if you can get one at a good price its worth it. its all about accumulating coins and selling at the top and even currently a single ck box makes like 80 - 90 ckb a day. that will really add up over the course of a years time.

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Recently one of my friends asked me what miner is profitable today and which one should he buy considering todays prices.

I told him: Considering todays prices and Roi you should not buy any miner.

Todays price don’t matter and todays production don’t matter. If I mine Ckb, after 1 month it means I’ll have around 30$ or so… will I sell my 30$ worth of ckb ? hell no, I don’t care about 30$… so when you mine you’ll mine for at least 6 months or more. In 6 months I’ll have around 15000ckb, what will it be worth in 6 months ? will be 15000 ckb be worth 100$ or 600$ ??

When you mine you should never consider today’s prices, you should try to buy a miner that produces a coin that you think will be worth more in the future(at least 6 months or more). If you buy a miner you are in for the long run.

Nervos has been 0.04$ (March 2021) so if it were to climb back to that price the CK-Box would make near 100$/month. With that price you could pay back your ck-box in 7 or 8 months… maybe if the price climbs back to that level…

The team needs to get influencers involved because people are gathering around different layer 1 projects right now. There needs to be more exposure