Hey guys,
I’ve come across a used Goldshell LB1 where somebody is offering me for £500 (just under US$700) and seems like in working order from seeing the pictures.
Is it wrong to ask if I can see it properly working first before I purchase and should there be other questions I should ask like, is it easy for me to change accounts so I am earning the LBRY and not the previous owner?
Sorry to have thrown in a few questions…
If its a local buy I dont see anything wrong in asking to see if the device works. But it seen a bit high price for the price just checked goldshell site and they are selling the Goldshell LB-BOX(without PSU) for $519 US.
Thanks for that!
It is in London which is 1hr-1hr 30mins away from me so not too bad.
It does come with a PSU too so I think I will try my luck in getting a look at it running first before buying.

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I am with nyc, buy the new LB Box for $500, buy a PSU from Amazon for $75, you will be in for less and make at least twice as much. The box is much nice anyway because you do not need a pc always running the LB1 software.
The guy never got back to me on eBay so instantly thought “yeah that’s alarm bells ringing on this one”
I’ll definitely give Amazon a try and see what they come back with for search results, I try to avoid international sales because customs
charge will be a bomb for what it’s worth.