Gpu driver error, no temps. 6600 XT

Hello, I just build my first rig with only an AMD 6600 XT so far, and getting the above mentioned error message on hiveOS. Any ideas? I’m a bit desperate here


Use default settings and reboot it… let it start up for 5 or 10 minutes?

Thanks s lot for your reply. What do you mean with default settings? No overclock? And about miner and pool? Any recommendations?

Use the bare ones default settings… for now…

I’m using hiveos and lolminer…

To be clear though I have no idea what I’m doing or talking about… but each time mine crashes I reboot it and it’s fine but as soon as I try to mess with it something crashes…
I’m thinking it might be more of a power supply or electrical issue but nothing is sparking or smoking.

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Solved by wipping out all OC, glightsheet, etc and rebooting the whole system


This works for me also.Thanks