Grin Node terminal

In the Grin Node terminal there is a line that says “Mining” , How do you mine with it?

I’m mining Grin to a pool - but I’m mining MWC to the node directly which has a mining section and is likely to be the same.
I set the miners pools settings to stratum+tcp:// - which is the IP and Port of the node on the same LAN. The worker name and password appear to be ignored, and if I add a .workername to the address it fails to connect.
So then I have a miner the shows up on the node, but I also have to have the local wallet open in listen mode on the same host as the node or it just has a log full of errors.
I could probably edit the configs to have a wallet somewhere else, but I reckon it needs to be the CLI wallet from the project.
I expect Grin will be exactly the same as MWC is a fork.
I’m just leaving Grin on 2miners pool with payments to Grin++ wallet for now.