Has anyone bought a ASIC miner from Vosk Coin?

I have recieved messages from VoskCoin on twitter asking about my interest in buying a miner using crypto. I want these miners very badly - can’t seem to find them anywhere else and don’t want to be ripped off. I like Drew. But just sending someone a lot of Crypto - over ten grand - and hoping it works out doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
Has anyone bought from Vosk Coin and if so - what was your experience? Where do you prefer to buy ASIC miners?

most likely someone trying to scam you.
a few things you could do to check, not in any particular order:
1- use an escrow like dream escrow… Dream's Escrow Service
2- ask for video chat for verification- most important
3- make sure the account is actually his… https://twitter.com/VoskCoin


I found the original Vosk Coin on twitter and he confirmed that it is a scammer. Thanks!


99% of Twitter resellers of crypto hardware is a scam!

I had a crazy experience where they fraudulated a reputable companies invoice and asked me to pay but they swapped in their bank account information and their personal crypto wallets.

I checked with the actual company and they confirmed that it was a scam and they don’t have any salesmen on Twitter and the price of the asic is too good to be true.

Be very very careful with hardware resellers, a lot of them even pay for fake reviews and use fake accounts to boost their ‘reputation’