Has Vosk ever made a video about taxes/business structure with Crypto?

Hello all!

This is my first post here on the forum! If this has been talked about before my apologies!

I was wondering if Vosk had made a video talking about how he pays taxes for his mining. I assume he started a LLC or some kind of business to run the income through. If he hasn’t, I’d love for him to dive into how he has his business structured and the best practices for mining!

Thanks again!


Newbie here. This is my biggest concern with jumping in as well.

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Would love a video on this. I’ve been thinking about registering an LLC myself so all the cost of equipment could be used as a write off against the income. Also very curious on the taxes as this is my first year in crypto, I hear/read the taxes can be real bad.


Yes, there is a big need for this info. I’m in central USA and came across the idea of setting up an LLC in Delaware (USA) via a registered agent. Don’t know if that would be an effective/smooth strategy or if it would just make things more complicated than necessary or otherwise do more harm than good.

Look up Mark J. Kohler on youtube for some ideas, then consult with a local CPA on what best suits your needs.

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