Helium App not updating earnings


I just stating mining helium using the bobcat miner about a week ago. I am currently having an issue with the mining earnings not being updated on the Helium App. This issue started about 2-3 days ago. I have already tried to log out and sign back in with my recovery words but still not updating earnings. When I check the block explorer the miner is online and earning and I see the list of new earnings in the Helium app but my total earning is not being updated in the helium app. Any advise is greatly appreciated.

Usually signing in and out of the app works for most people. I had to sign in and out twice. Some people are saying that you have to delete the app and download again. Also, try changing the API to Helium from StackJoy. This fixes common issues when sending/receiving HNT from for Helium app. Hope this helps

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Thank you for your advise. It looks as all I needs to do was post my issue to Voskcoin. As I just opened the Helium app and the app is now showing me my helium balance with my updated earnings over the last few days and I am now able to see the chart with the average earnings per day.

They have been having issues all week with the app. It’s still not fixed but as of today they announced this:

Magic time is 8:45pm PST tonight around midnight EST…
The network will be down, no transactions as all the hotspots, like kids, will be lined up getting their firmware updates… there should be no activity for 3 or more hours

RAK/MNTD Hotspot Firmware Bugfix Release

The Nova devs have tagged a new 2022.03.31.0 firmware release for Original Helium and RAK/MNTD Hotspots.

This release disables the embedded Rust gateway and gwmp-mux processes. The Erlang miner will begin forwarding packets again. We have identified an issue that was preventing Data Transfer on these specific Hotspots that we will resolve in a subsequent release.

No action is required otherwise, and all RAK/MNTD and original Hotspots will receive this update automatically over the air as long as your Hotspot is plugged in and connected to the internet.


Current ETA for GA is Mar 31, 2022 8:45 PM PST.