Helium HNT hotspot miner VoskCoin Group Buy! šŸŽˆ

1 outdoor
2 indoor
UK, england

5 indoor miners shipped to chicago

Interested in a couple indoor units depending on price and delivery time frame here in Denver, CO. I already ordered a couple from Syncrob.it but can cancel if this group buy would have delivery sooner. Any idea who the manufacturer is or did I miss that in this huge thread? Thx.

Yes, this would be awesome! I would take 2 indoor miner shipped to Germany, Hannover.

1-2x indoor &1-2 outdoor Helium miners depending on price shipped to TBD, USA

1 indoor, UK

In for 1 indoor MA

4 indoor miners to canada :slight_smile:

3x indoor Helium miners shipped to Texas, USA

2 Providence RI

Orders will have to be paid upfront, and there will be an order window if this goes through.


Yes please! I would like 1 indoor and 1 outdoor shipped to Singapore or Florida.

Im in the U.K. , I would be interested in buying a couple maybe one indoor and one out door depending on price

1 x outdoor and 1 x indoor HNT miners shipped to Washington, USA

3 indoor to Calgary Alberta

Why not would take a few and add em to the collection

Hi. Nice one, count me in with two indoors for Manchester UK. Ordered some already with Nebra.

Iā€™d be interested in maybe 4-5 miners shipped to Massachusetts,US

1x miner to Los Angeles, CA

Thanks for the speedy reply chap!

Will this group buy have a end date? Its just that im planning to make a order in the next 2-3 weeks and a second order after that.

Iā€™d like to thank you for representing 100ā€™s of your followers and helping us get a better deal from the Manafacturs/ Distributers.

You my friend are awesome !