Help me figure out what to buy

Hey. I’m super new to mining rigs and building anything PC related, so I thought I’d get some input. All the videos on YouTube I can find about building mining rigs all cap out at a max of $3,000, whereas I am looking to spend about $12,000. I have no clue what I can get for this amount or what I SHOULD get for this amount. I want to make an informed decision and was hoping I could be pointed in the right direction. Thank you

Well, apparently Goldshells might be in stock, from the last video that Vosk posted. It also depends on what sort of electric set-up you have. GPUs are overpriced, but you can probably still pick some up on second hand markets (EBay) if you are willing to pay the exorbitant prices that they’re going for. But, you should definitely figure out what your electric will support before buying hardware if you are doing residential mining :smiley: