This person has been selling spoofed helium antennas for months I’ve tried to report him and I even emailed eBay If we can get a few people to report him that would be great. Thank you!!!
Here is the link ----->Special Spoofing Helium HNT Mining antenna for Bobcat Nebra SenseCAP RAK MNTD | eBay <---- copy and paste to your browser or click
contact the helium people.
also this one Special Spoofing Helium HNT Mining antenna for Bobcat Nebra SenseCAP RAK MNTD | eBay i contacted helium no response yet
What’s helium gonna do about someone selling this on eBay???
its more for ebay to block them for obviously cheating a system. but for helium there is a way to report and block hotspots that are reported spoofing, and found guilty of it.