Help with MiniDOGE Startup!

Just got my MiniDOGE from Goldshell. Plugged it in and straight onto the network. It was up and hashing but then after 30 minutes it shutoff and now the the CPB0 on Goldshell’s config page shows “Failed to startup”. Miner has a solid red light and blinking blue light on top. Then on the bottom at the PSU connection it has a solid red light.

I tried restarting multiple times and upgraded the firmware to version 2.2.1 and still having issues. All connections are properly connected.

This sounds like a hardware issue. Any suggestions?

Try factory reset usually does the trick otherwise looks like damaged hash boards

Also did you configure them to your network trough its wi-fi

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I’m having the same exact issue as the OP, but I decided to take things a step further and got a replacement control board to see if it was a simple fix. Unfortunately, that did not work and I still get the same message.

That leaves two other major areas, the Hash Board (as pointed out by @SinghisKing ) and fans themselves.

The Hash Board would make the most sense as the fans are still engaged and reading correctly (you can see this is also the case in the OP’s initial post).

So… with all of that, anyone have any ideas on how to fix this that doesn’t involve sending it back to HK?

And for clarification, much like the OP, my unit initially worked perfectly (for roughly a month) before this happened.


Factory rest did nothing.

For the WiFI, connection I tried without having to connect an ethernet cable. I got stuck trying to connect via WiFi through the Goldshell config page.

After finding my WiFi network and entering the PW(all correct) and pressing OK, nothing happened. No connection to WiFi thereafter. Am I missing something?


I got the miner connected to WiFi through the network cable for a second then went to disconnect the network cable and go back to and there was no new IP address. Then I went back to the Goldshell config page and the WiFi connection was gone.

Sounds like this unit also has a defected WiFi…

Check out this miner log-

Follow the instructions here carefully Mini Dogecoin + Litecoin Miner | Affordable & Profitable - Step By Step Setup - YouTube
Also did you buy the miners new and when also from the pics it looks like your mineris locked its got to be unlocked b4 you make any changes.If you didn’t do this press unlock in password its 123456789 default then press unlock under password. Reset is done with miner powered press reset button inset one under blue & red light puss with pen tip keep pressed until lights go out then on again.
Then go to the minershould show there it will say few seconds ago press the Hex nut Icon that will take you to the miner back end like this

Once in that screen make sure you unlock it password 123456789. Also update your Firmware to 2.2.1 cpb download here
Click on firmware in the first column go to the bottom look for MiniDoge firmware 2.2.1 cpb download and go system click on paper clip icon update from your download takes 2 mins .After that you will get a new IP for your miner like 192.168.0.??? go to Find my miner refresh your new IP should come up open it unlock again 123456789 and cinfig your Pool setting etc .With this new Firmware you are able to control your miner remotely @ by signup to Goldshell first .

The WLan must be switched of once you have configured your miner use with ethernet cable only that’s where the problem is .

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