Hosting for two KA3’s?

Hey guys, just posting this hoping that one of the veteran guys on here has room for my two KA3’s at their hosting site. I have been hosting these remotely while I’m working a couple states away and it’s been working great but as the warmer season approaches I’m trying to stay ahead of it. I’ll be flying back home March 16-20 and I’m hoping to send these off to a host location at that time. I’m hoping one of the OG’s on this site that host sees this and offers up two spots because I feel a little sketch about sending it off to a random site. I live in the desert and I have learned my lesson that the miners have a super difficult time staying cool in Nevada’s extreme heat. Anyway if you have two spots I’d really appreciate it. Thanks in advance guys

you can try @AdamMoyers a bunch of people here use his services for hosting

or me and a few others use them

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Im using Revolution Mining in Texas.

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I highly recommend PaerTree. Great rates, super friendly, super communicative, and fast setup. Doing a KA3 with them right now

Thanks y2kanonomous! I appreciate it!!

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Do you know what the rate is after the first year!? They are advertising a .069 electric rate for the first year. I would like to know if they are going to jack up the rate after the promotion rate runs out. I know that they are advertising that Voskcoin has featured them on their Revolution mining instagram that makes me feel a bit better about it. Is there a promo code I can use to get you a kickback @VoskCoin?

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if you email them and say you’re from VoskCoin they’ll discount your hosted miners, or code VOSKCOIN should still work in their checkout process – seriously appreciate the thought and effort to support us

which hosting facility PaerTree?

Any hosting companies around Georgia, USA (besides CleanSpark commercial mining)?