Houston, I have a problem. KD BOXII issue

My KD BOXII is having an issue. I’'ve submitted a ticket with Goldshell already. But thought\hoping to get some feedback here as well… Down by the IP button are some lights… The Blue light is rapidly blinking.

I’ve looked on Goldshell sight and found some answers, but NOTHING mentioned about Blue light…

I have rebooted the router with no change. Also have it set to PERMANENT in the dhcp network settings. I have also rebooted the\this PC it’s attached to.

These are great little money makers.

UPDATE. I unplugged it from my PC and into a 1200w power supply and it’s online and still blinking. I did do a full shutdown a couple of times… So… I will try it again back in the same plugs on the PC. If the blinking is normal, I never paid attention to it…

Well… it worked for a couple of minutes… Blue light I now think is normal… but the RED light beside it of STEADY. So… It’s either a bad cable or power supply is failing…?

FINAL UPDATE…! I’m guessing there enough airlfow by the PSU… and this is what I found:

I found another good cable to replace it with… but I knew when I couldn’t easily pull the plug out… what is was gonna look like. It was confirmed.

So one day, I’ll shut it down and open it up and clean up that port.

Ouch. Was it overclocked or on standard settings?

It is\was stock… So fixed it by moving it. Now my KDBOX Pro Is acting up. Looks like it might be the hashboard, if what the indicator light guide says.