How to check the history of an ant miner

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to check the mining/hashing history of an antminer?( If you google or YouTube this, it tries to tell you about the actual history of mining and not the data that I need.) lol

idk if that’s possible, what data are you looking for exactly? hash, temp, power consumption over time?

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Hey, thanks for the response. I was speaking with Mr. Mike yesterday and he told me it was possible. I still don’t know how, but he said you could. I just wanted to make sure it was hashing before my miner was sent to me. Its kind of a moot point now thought, because I can see that its actually hashing better than factory specifications, so Im no longer worried about its hash history. Thanks unix!

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yeah, there may be some data on the control board but I’m not sure exactly. glad you got it figured out.

are you using the stock firmware or something different?


Im pretty sure Im using the stock firmware, I haven’t started to experiment with that stuff yet. I didn’t know you could use other firmware. Is that what most would consider overclocking?

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not necessarily, a lot of the time other firmwares will allow over clocking beyond what the stock firmware does. For Antminer, I like to use BraiinsOS. It has a cool auto tune feature where it will set the clock of individual asics as a function of their temperature.

I have an s9 with it installed and stock it produced 13.5TH @ 1420W but after braiinsOS auto tune I can get ~16TH @ 1420W.

you can also set a power target and it will auto tune to that. So I run mine at 1000W because I found that gets me the least watts per TH produced (~75W/TH)

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Dude, that is awesome!! I just looked up the firmware but unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be any firmware available for the Antminer KA3 yet. I’m a huge fan about the ability to base hashrate off of temperature, that way you know you’re getting your best bang for you buck and pushing your miner safely to its limits. I don’t think I like the idea of basing the miners performance off the best watts per TH, because I think it prioritizes current electricity cost over the actual cryptocurrency. If I’m going to mine a crypto, I would like to stack as much of the coin possible even if I have to pay more in electricity. I guess theres something to be said about having more available money in a down market, to dollar cost average and get more crypto that way. Thanks for opening my eyes to these possibilities!

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No problem man! and yea, makes sense, I guess how you optimize your miner will vary depending on your preferences and needs.

but yeah I def have a mining, DCA, hybrid strategy. Once it’s cheaper to mine than to buy on the market I’ll crank everything up and dial back my market buying haha