How to verify ASIC sellers

How much is a KD5 making daily atm. Maybe I’ll be your Ginny pig to prove to the community that you are legit. Let me know…

Its making roughly $30-$60. Mostly based around coin price. Kadena is doing well and has a good team behind it. No plan to go proof of stake.

What’s your site?

Hey whats up guys i have a few mini doge miners im willing to let go
can verify ME with my ebay store (message me we can work out a deal ) Goldshell Mini-Doge Miner with NO PSU ! Special Edition/Voskcoin RGB | eBay
im willing to deal with paypal if you DONT want to deal with ebay .
goods and services . delete if not allowed just trying to let a few go with out being flagged as scammer ty

You’re a used car salesman scalper as far as I can tell.

Thanks for the feedback Homer

so is your mama but no complains

I will be willing to try your site. You have a NEW L3+ for sale. Is that correct? And it does not say if it comes with PSU or not.
Willing to be the guinea pig on here, but is shipping included? Answer these for me before I pull the trigger

And can you get a A6+ LTCMaster? Or a LT5? Your price on the LT5 PRO is like $5000 more than other sites BTW

I’ll have to check on the A6 but usually I can find a miner even if the other stores are sold out. Shipping is included. However as of this morning my Credit card processor closed my account without warning. Apparently cryptocurrency is high risk and they wanted nothing to do with it. So for now I can only accept a bank wire. Unfortunately.

Update: We’ve resolved the issue and can now take credit cards for payment.

Can anyone elevate a request to VOSKCOIN and find out if he can verify ?


I’d take one if you still have any?

message me please

YES, lets verify he is a legit seller. I am either going with him or BITMAIN for an S19J so, lets VERIFY him.

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At the end of the week, if things work out, I’ll be ordering from big sky. I’ll keep you informed of every part of the process.


I plan on ordering from him this coming week as well. He says he takes credit cards so that adds a degree of protection to the consumer but I am still a bit nervous as I have never ordered from him.


Still working on getting the payment gateway in the checkout working. For now shoot me an email and I can send an invoice for your order.

Update: payment gateway is now working.

I have an order in for a CK5. Received tracking info day of purchase with receipt. Set to arrive on Wednesday (in two days). Had a great conversation with Aaron on the phone and saw the miner running. Yes, my first post as I just set up my account, but I’ll let everyone know when it arrives anyhow. I’ve been running 5 CK-Box miners purchased for way too much on eBay and wanted to get a CK5 or two.


I just ordered a s19 from Aaron, used my credit card as this is my first time ordering from him. He said the tracking number for the shipment should be given next week. I’ll keep you all posted on how it goes.

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