I Invested $11,000 into this "Cryptocurrency" Lending Protocol

I invested $11,000 into this cryptocurrency lending protocol called Cream Finance that was previously hacked… What could go wrong though?! I am trying to earn passive income and make money while I sleep, here’s how much I earned investing cryptocurrency! Subscribe to VoskCoin - http://voskco.in/Sub

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I Invested over $11,000 dollars into this cryptocurrency lending protocol to earn passive income in cryptocurrency. New DeFi Dapps allow crypto investors to earn millions and you can earn high interest with more turbulent coins and crypto pairs or less interest with stablecoins and other less volatile cryptocurrencies but these investments still have an incredible ROI over letting your money rot in a traditional US savings account or really any FIAT banking system. I am trying Cream Finance in this video, they didn’t pay me I simply want to earn money while I’m sleeping and try to get new streams of passive income to achieve financial freedom!

CREAM Finance earning passive income in crypto - C.R.E.A.M.

:alarm_clock: Timestamps :alarm_clock:
00:00 Investing $11,000 into cryptocurrency lending protocol
01:18 How to earn passive income with cryptocurrency
03:00 Cream a decentralized platform to lend and borrow crypto
05:55 Earn high interest on your dollars with Cream
07:16 Kava.io SWP the new and high rewarding token on the kava platform
09:22 How much I put on cream and how much I’m winning
11:26 Comparing DEFI with a central bank
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I Invested $11,000 into this “Cryptocurrency” Lending Protocol…