I purchased a DG Home 1 for mining, need help with setup

Hey all, I’m new here. I watched Vosk several times in my research on which miner i wanted to get and settled on the DG Home 1. Now i want some suggestions and help setup.

What is the best way to mine, solo or pool? I am worried about pools because in my research, i saw some pools don’t play nice and keep some of the profit for themselves beyond the fees. And there are fees too.

I think I would prefer solo mining, but i don’t know how to set up a DG home 1 to solo mine. All videos i find are setting it up to a pool and not setting it up to solo mine, so does anyone have a video or instructions on how to set up a DG Home 1 to solo mine?

If you truly think the best way to mine is a pool, then can you suggest a pool that has minimal fees, is on the up and up and maybe at minimum dual mine Doge and Litecoin together.

I forgot to mention i would like to mine multiple coins if possible, but if its best to focus on 1 I’m open to that too. Looking for help and suggestions.

Thank you all

You can select 3 different ways

I just got my DG Home 1 3 days ago too, must have been the next batch together.
I dont think solo is a good option as the hash rate changes very low and the payout for getting the block is not worth the time (my opinion). If this was bitcoin then solo may be worth it as Vosk has posted many recent videos on very cheap good options for solo mining.

For Scrypt mining your better off in a pool from what I have experienced so far, I have been using F2pool but I think I will move to Mining-Dutch because it has more merged coins and it has the option to automatically convert coins into a coin you prefer which reduces the need for multiple wallets to manage all the merge mined coins.


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