iBeLink BM-S1 Blake2b?

Has anyone ever bought iBelink BM-S1 (Blake2b Siacoin)?

BM-S1(6.8T) - ibelink.com.hk


Following. I was considering the BM-S1 as well. Not alot of information on this miner. I really dug into Saicoin and based on everything I have read, its not that bad of a project. I know VoskCoin doesn’t like SC, saw his video. I ran the numbers and based on the hasrate and recent performance before crypto dropped, it wouldn’t take a long time to recoup the investment. I normally like to see a few videos or read some articles on a miner before I buy it. Like I said, not much around about the BM-S1. Saw there are 1750 miners mining SC coin. Thanks for posting…

Agreed. No information about there, and some calculators were giving negative profit while others a good amount of $$$.